Studies of Run-to-failure, PM, and PdM programs have been conducted over the years by several companies throughout the U S and abroad.

The graph shown is typical of the savings realized with the implementation of these programs. For example, if your plant used a total of 1,000,000 horsepower you could expect a savings of about $10,000,000.00 using a good PdM program over a run-to-failure program and a $6,000,000.00 savings over PM alone.




Since inception, Wise Air realized that in order to be a valuable maintenance organization on the market, not only did we have to offer better service at a very competitive rate, but we also had to be capable of offering a more competent service that would greatly benefit our customer base in the long run.  Of course, compared to many other ambitious but under funded organizations, we were lucky in the sense that we at least had very solid internal expertise.

We invite all prospective customers to ask for further details about our programs to see how they can benefit your plant.  Ask yourself  how many companies would you have to hire to have the following information at your fingertips.   Motor Testing and Analysis   Vibration Testing and Analysis  Oil Testing and Analysis   Thermography Testing and Analysis   Compressor Testing and Analysis, then ask yourself, how knowledgeable in centrifugal compressors operations is this company. 


Finally, compare the quality of the information you receive from that vendor compared to Wise Air, Inc.   We think your choice will be clear and WISE. 


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